Matthew Cutler

Headshot of Fellow Matt Cutler

Social Scientist 
Social Sciences Branch
Northeast Fisheries Science Center
National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration Woods Hole, MA

Fellowship Project: Tracking Stakeholder Perceptions and Outcomes in the Implementation of Amendment 23 (In collaboration with Fellow Kirk Jalbert)

Matt received his PhD in Sociology from the University of New Hampshire in 2015. His research has focused on public perceptions of climate change and other environmental issues, such as extreme weather events, urban development and sprawl, and commercial fisheries management. More broadly, he specializes in environmental and community sociology and has interests in environmental justice, natural resources, and public attitudes towards environmental policies. He recently completed a postdoctoral appointment at the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental studies where he studied public attitudes and beliefs about climate change as a member of the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication.

Matt’s current research at NEFSC focuses on vessel owners’ and crew members’ demographic characteristics, their job satisfaction, health and well-being, and their beliefs and attitudes about their fisheries and associated management policies and regulations. He is also interested in the socioeconomic and environmental vulnerability and resilience of fishing communities. He currently serves on the Groundfish Plan Development Team and is involved in the development and implementation of the Survey on the Socio-Economic Aspects of Commercial Fishing Crew in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic.