Leveraging Critical Infrastructure Within an Environmental Justice Framework for Public Health Prevention

“If we think of communities as a stage play production, land use would represent the markers on the stage, and infrastructure would represent the props, systems, or facilities in which the actors live, work, and play. The quality of the production and performance; options for how actors move, interact, and communicate; and access to basic technology and technical support are all predicated on the inventory, condition, and distribution of these critical systems or props. In communities, these are fundamental matters of environmental justice. Environmental justice raises the question of whether environmental activities, laws, regulations, and policies have been applied fairly across all segments of the population, namely low-income communities of color. Thus, infrastructure development, mediated by an environmental justice framework, metaphorically and quite literally sets the stage for essentially all outcomes related to the built environment, from scenario planning to public health” Read more about JPB Fellow Marccus Hendricks’s research.