Submit to the IJERPH Special Issue

“Social and Environmental Determinants of Health and Health Disparities”
IJERPH Special Issue

JPB Fellow Chandra L. Jackson and Dr. Gary Adamkiewicz are organizing a Special Issue on “Social and Environmental Determinants of Health and Health Disparities” in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH). IJERPH is a peer-reviewed scientific journal that publishes research articles examining the intersection of environment and public health. For detailed information regarding the journal, please refer to

Racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic health disparities in the United States are persistent and costly public health concerns. The causes of these health disparities are complex and involve both social and physical environmental determinants along with their interactions. While the body of research on these mechanisms is growing, many knowledge gaps remain, especially related to the design and implementation of effective intervention strategies to address health disparities.

This issue will highlight new research and analyses on the social and environmental determinants of health, and how these pathways can be modified to mitigate negative consequences. Original research papers, meta-analyses, systematic reviews, case studies, conceptual frameworks, commentaries or editorials, and policy-relevant articles are solicited. Of particular interest are articles involving under-studied topic areas. It is also encourage that authors submit studies that address issues and approaches relevant to both developed and developing countries.

The link for the special issue can be found here. Please note that articles in IJERPH special issues are published continuously (as soon as accepted) and posted online, so it is encouraged to submit at any time between now and next September.

Welcome submissions include, but are not limited to, the following areas:

  • Social and environmental determinants of health;
  • Social (e.g., racial residential segregation) and environmental (e.g., air pollution) determinants of health disparities;
  • Within-group socioeconomic status variation and health;
  • Disaster planning and relief disproportionately affecting vulnerable communities;
  • Natural environments and mental/physical health;
  • Built environment and health;
  • Housing and health;
  • Indoor comfort and health;
  • Energy insecurity and health;
  • Environmental justice;
  • Community-based participatory research;
  • Climate change and health;
  • Public health interventions.

Deadline: Sep. 30, 2019

Feel free to submit manuscripts for consideration as an individual and/or a cohort. Please reach out Chandra and/or Gary with any questions.